Last time I got a buzzing like that from a monitor(lcd), soon after the buzzing turned into the monitor flashing on and off at startup, to the monitor not starting, etc. Turned out that the transistors in its' PSU had gone to lunch and eventually took the rest with it.
If you have an inbuilt PSU-type monitor, I'd be looking into that first. I doubt very much that you'd be running speakers and not know it, obviously, you had to plug em in didn't you? If however it does have speakers, isn't plugged in, and the speakers are making noise on extreme monitor changes, i.e. from 2d desktop to 3d app, then that would be more likely to be an electrical fault again, poor shielding, cockroach poo bridging circuits that aren't supposed to be, etc. Not unlike the noise your tv makes when you plug the video cable into the audio jack accidentally.
Regardless, it's an electronic device, prone to catching fire when things go wrong and failsafe's fail, which is rather common when things that aren't supposed to get into the wrong electrical circuit. Have it checked by a technician if you are the slightest bit concerned. Better safe than dead in a house fire.